Effective Date: December 2019
Like most businesses, we employ “cookies” or similar technologies. This Cookie Notice explains how HM Electronics, Inc. and each of its affiliates (collectively, “HME”, “we”, (“我们”或“我们的”)在我们的网站或在线接入点(如HME运营的小部件和移动应用程序)上使用cookie或类似技术, including: www.hme.com; www.hme.com/qsr; www.jtech.com; j1.raku2prize.com; www.clearcom50.com; www.trilogycomms.com; www.cerepairs.com; www.hmedtcloud.com; customerservice.hme.com; customerservice.jtech.com; customerservice.cerepairs.com; and customerservice.raku2prize.com (collectively, the “Sites”). For further information about how we use, store, 披露和处理我们通过使用我们的网站获得的或与使用我们的网站有关的个人数据, please visit our Privacy Statement.
When you first access the Sites from certain jurisdictions, you will receive a message advising you that cookies are in use. By clicking “accept cookies”, 您表示您理解并同意我们使用本cookies声明中所述的cookies.
您不必接受我们的cookies,您可以随时撤回同意. 您可以通过更改浏览器上的设置来阻止cookie,这些设置允许您拒绝全部或部分cookie. 您也可以在它们被放置到您的设备后随时删除它们. If you do not accept or delete our cookies, some areas of the Sites that you access may take more time to work, or may not function properly. If you would like further information on how to block cookies, please see the “How to Control Cookies” section, below.
cookie是我们存储在您的浏览器或计算机或设备的硬盘驱动器上的字母和数字的小文件, if you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your hard drive. 当您访问我们的网站时,cookie允许我们识别您的浏览器. Cookies may store your preferences and other information, 帮助我们分析网站的使用情况,定制和改进网站的内容和布局, 但无法读取硬盘上的数据或读取其他网站创建的cookie文件.
由网站所有者(在本例中为HME)设置的cookie称为“第一方cookie”。. 由网站所有者以外的各方设置的cookie称为“第三方cookie”。. 第三方cookie使第三方特性或功能能够在网站上或通过网站提供(i.e. advertising, social media functions and analytics).
We use the following cookies:
- Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Sites. 例如,它们包括使您能够登录到网站的安全区域的cookie.
- Analytical/performance cookies. 它们使我们能够识别和计算访问者的数量,并查看访问者在使用网站时如何在网站周围移动. This helps us to improve the way the Sites work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
- Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to the Sites. 这使我们能够为您个性化我们的内容,例如,您选择的语言或地区.
- Targeting & Advertising cookies. These cookies record your visit to the Sites, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. 我们将使用这些信息使我们的网站及其上显示的广告更符合您的兴趣. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.
- Social media cookies. 这些cookie允许我们将社交媒体功能集成到我们的网站中,也可用于广告目的.